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2018年1月11日 星期四

如何申請VOS - Verification of Status

剛移民來到加拿大的時候, 在還沒拿到PR Card之前, 要跟很多機關打交道都是拿著移民紙(例如簽過名的COPR, 或是Record of Landing)證明自己是PR. 一旦拿到PR Card, 所有的ID也陸續到手, 移民紙自然就會收起來, 然後就漸漸遺忘他了

甚麼時候會再需要他呢?如果沒有特別的原因, 就是要申請老人年金(OAS)的時候, 如果你是30歲移民, 那就是35年後你會需要這張移民紙.



貼心的IRCC都幫你想好了, 你可以申請Verification of Status來提供你原先的移民紙上提供的資訊, 下面是CIC官網解釋了VOS的用途以及他能代替(不是取代!)的文件

A Verification of Status document will contain information that appeared on your original Record of Landing, Confirmation of Permanent Residence, Work Permit, Study Permit or other immigration documents. This document can be used when you must provide proof of historical immigration information, such as the date and place of entry to Canada.
You may obtain a VOS document outlining the pertinent historical information for the following:
  • Certificate of Departure (IMM 0056)
  • Immigrant Visa and Record of Landing (IMM 1000)/Confirmation of Permanent Residence (IMM 5292 or IMM 5688)
  • Visitor Record (IMM 1097 or IMM 1442)
  • Work Permit (IMM 1102 or IMM 1442)
  • Study Permit (IMM 1208 or IMM 1442)
  • Exclusion Order (IMM 1214)
  • Deportation Order (IMM 1215)
  • Departure Order (IMM 5238)
  • Permit to Come Into or Remain in Canada (IMM 1263)
  • Authorization to Return to Canada (IMM 1203)
  • Protected Persons

注意我標註的那一句話, 以PR的移民紙來說(COPR or record of landing), Date of Entry就是報到成為PR的日子, 這個日子只有移民紙才會有, 其他文件都不會有這項資訊. 特地申請VOS就是為了那個日期. 那甚麼申請案會需要呢?我目前遇到兩種申請案需要這個日期

1. 依親移民 IMM1344 Part 1, Question 7
If you are a permanent resident or a naturalized Canadian citizen, please provide your Date on which you obtained this status.
如果擔保人是PR, 那這個日期就是Date of Entry

2. 老人年金 (OAS/GIS)
OAS是根據你成為PR後, 你居住在境內一年超過183天的年數來計算OAS年金給付的金額, 所以Service Canada需要一份官方的文件證明你何時成為居民, 開始累積OAS的年資. 很多長輩在申請OAS的時候為了找幾十年前的移民紙幾乎把塵封在地下室的全部紙箱翻過一遍才找的到

知道了VOS的用途, 那要如何申請?


基本上只需要填一張申請表 IMM5009, 證件影本, 費用($30)

- IMM5009
Part A - 基本資料
  Q19 email一定要提供, IRCC鼓勵大家使用email這樣他們就可以透過email 回覆申請人, 提供PDF, 第一降低郵寄風險, 第二節省去郵遞延遲, 第三你有了PDF愛印幾張就印幾張, 你郵件服務公司倒閉之前都有人幫你安全地保管著
Part B - 你需要申請的VOS類別, 以及簡單說明. 其中Q2/Q3如果都不記得, 留白, 在Q5一併說明即可
Part C - 只有特別的人才需要寫, 我想台灣人應該都遇不到這個, 每個欄位都填上N/A即可


- 費用
直接透過線上繳費, 一開始選擇”Other Service”, 下一頁就會看到VOS囉, 一份$30


1. IMM5009
2. 證件1影本, 必須是加拿大核發的Photo ID,
3. 證件2影本, 可以是無照片的ID, 如果已經沒有其他加拿大核發的ID, 用台灣護照也是可以
4. 付款收據($30)
如果曾經有犯罪, 提供相關法律文件
急件申請的解釋信, IRCC視情況會優先處理你的申請

下面是IRCC提到可以申請急件的狀況, 基本上就是火燒屁股才行, 而且都需要提供詳細的第三方證明才有機會真正被當作急件處理
In certain circumstances, you may qualify for urgent processing. If you meet one of the criteria outlined below, you must clearly mark “URGENT” on your mailing envelope and must submit sufficient proof why urgent processing is required. If you do not meet the criteria below, your application will be placed in the regular processing queue.
The criteria for urgent processing are as follow:
  • You are applying for your pension and have received a notice from Service Canada advising that your file will be closed if you do not provide proof of your immigration information (Note: If you did not receive this notice, you cannot request urgent processing under this criteria).
You must include a copy of your letter from Service Canada as proof.
你正在申請年金, Service Canada已經下最後通牒了, 就可以拿Service Canada的信請IRCC速速處理
  • You need to travel because of a death or serious illness in the family and require proof of your immigration information in order to obtain a travel document.
You must include proof of death or serious illness (example: a note from the attending physician).
你有Family Emergency需要VOS來申辦旅行文件
  • You face immediate loss of employment or loss of an employment opportunity because you are not in possession of proof of your immigration information.
Include an original letter from the employer.
你需要證明你在加拿大具有合法的身分, 否則可能會拿不到Offer或是失去工作
In each of the above circumstances, you must provide:
  • The document(s) related to your situation (see above);
  • a copy of your expired travel document, and
  • a list of documentary requirements to obtain your travel document (example: a checklist for a passport application for another country).

我相信還有其他IRCC認可的急件申請理由, 只要你真的很緊急, 就詳細跟IRCC解釋囉

如同我一直在說的, 不要用郵局服務郵寄任何IRCC的申請書, 要用私人快遞, 所以記得是寄到下列地址, 如果是急件, 記得要在信封上註明"URGENT"!
Operations Support Centre
Verification of Status Section
365 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa, ON K1A 1L1


上次幫我家人申請的時候, 大概是四個月收到, VOS跟COPR其實非常相像, 但他直接用浮水印清楚地標示出來VOS不能當作旅行文件. 只是用來證明你在加拿大的immigration status

*** 2020-01-06 Update ***
最近幫一位PR朋友申請VOS, 送出到收到VOS的email約1個月, 給大家參考參考 

如何申請PR Card 重發


