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2020年6月17日 星期三

[COVID-19] 蝦咪!?我被報到了

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自從COVID-19的疫情爆發後, CIC許多的措施讓申請人一直在調整自己的因應策略, 但CIC內部也是做了不小的更動。而最新一項新措施, 對準PR們來說, 真是太令人驚奇了!

PR申請人審查完成後最終會獲得COPR, 這代表了加拿大政府準備接納申請人成為PR, 但還不是。要經過所謂的"landing"報到流程, 才會正式成為PR。

詳細的報到流程可以參考 PR報到流程

自從2020/03/18之後, 不只加拿大關閉邊境, 各國也都有非常嚴格的邊境管制措施, 民航航班也幾乎停擺。所以雖然CIC的公告是如果3/18以前就已經獲批COPR的準PR是不受到邊境關閉影響依舊可以前往加拿大展開人生新頁, 但可能不容易達成或者依據自身健康考量不敢貿然動身, 就暫時擱著。

只是COPR是有有效期限的, COPR過期可是一件要不得的事情, 可能會造成申請案整個打掉重練的! 所以已經拿到COPR的準PR們無不想要知道到底CIC對於COPR到期未能報到的政策是甚麼。

目前CIC公告對於準PR們的處理原則如下, 只要求大家透過Webform去跟CIC說明原因, 但沒有說明之後會有怎樣的處置。

Approved permanent resident applicants with expired or expiring documents

If we already approved your permanent resident application but you can't travel to Canada before your documents expire, use the Web form to tell us why you can’t travel.
Once it’s possible for you to travel, use the Web form to let us know so we can tell you what to do next.

突然某一天, 就開始有人收到奇妙的信, 開頭第一句話就是:
I am pleased to advise you that your application for permanent residence in Canada is now
complete. Congratulations! You are now a permanent resident of Canada!

再多看幾眼, 是從CIC來的, 好像是真的耶, 所以....所以.....我被報到了嗎?

對的! 收到這封信就表示CIC已經幫申請人報到了, 平淡的, 也沒有小國旗可以拿 XD
這應該是CIC的一大創舉, 把加拿大移民著名的landing就這樣破了!!

姑且稱這封信為Confirmation Letter of PR, 那這封信的效力到底是怎麼樣呢?

根據信上內容來看, 這封信就等於報到後簽過名的COPR, 可用於申請各項政府的證件, 福利等等, 做為取得PR Card之前的PR Status證明, 效期1年。也就是說, 這封信就是移民紙了, 得保存一輩子, 證明是哪時候成為PR。

下面稍微整理一下, 幾種文件之間的差異如下

Confirmation Letter of PR
PR Card
Proof of PR

最後, 由於沒有經過報到程序, 所以有些在原本報到時後會完成的手續就沒做囉!其中最重要的就是申請PR Card。所以信上也有提到,

This letter does not replace the permanent resident card; you are still required to submit the documentation to obtain your permanent resident card.

但PR Card只寄到加拿大境內地址, 所以如果人在海外的話, 可能要等入境後再申請或者是另外安排了。而申請的處理上又分為是否已經收到COPR
1. 若已經收到COPR, 則將COPR連同一張符合PR Photo Spec的照片寄到上述的地址, 照片背後要寫上個人的UCI以及姓名, 當然也可以直接郵寄有照片的COPR過去, 應該也是可以

2. 若尚未收到COPR, 例如境內依親, 則要提供這封信以及上述的PR Photo

當然, 如同長期以來的建議, 寫信給政府機關建議要寫一封cover letter表明來意, 別讓對方猜測你的來信用意。

最後, 要是看到這裡你已經迫不及待已經連上webform想去告訴CIC你無法於COPR到期之前來報到, 可不能只是說"我怕染病所以不能如期完成報到", 要提供佐證, 以台灣的準PR來說, 可以使用政府公告旅遊警示作為佐證(置於文章最後)。

而被報到之後呢, 因為你已經是PR, 若人在海外要入境加拿大就應該要申請PRTD, 才能符合PR入境加拿大的相關規定囉!


其中的FAQ部份, 有一段是針對全球旅遊警示的

Mar 18, 2020

CECC raises travel notice for the US, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, including transit flights, to Level 3: Warning; advises against all nonessential travel to these countries

On March 18, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) announced that the global coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak has continued to expand. There have been more than 1,000 new cases per day in the United States, with four states experiencing community transmission, and more than 100 new cases per day in Canada and Australia, while New Zealand continues to maintain close ties with Australia. The US and Australia have also declared countrywide or regional states of emergency.

Given the risk of infection to Taiwanese nationals, effective March 19 the CECC will raise its travel notice for the US, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, including for transit flights made through these countries, to Level 3: Warning. This comes in addition to the US states of Washington, New York, and California, which were already subject to a Level 3: Warning travel notice. Taiwanese nationals should avoid nonessential travel to these countries, and will be required to follow a 14-day period of home quarantine after returning from Level 3 countries and regions. Furthermore, effective March 19, all inbound travelers will be required to follow a 14-day period of home quarantine after entering Taiwan.

As of March 18, the CECC has raised its travel notice for 97 countries and one region to Level 3: Warning; namely, mainland China (including Hong Kong and Macao), 20 Asian countries, nine Central Asian countries, 26 Schengen countries, the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland, 14 Eastern European countries, 16 countries and one territory in the Middle East, five north African countries, the US, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia. The Level 3 travel notice also applies to dependent territories of these countries where applicable.


How the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is affecting immigration, refugees, citizenship and passport services